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​ En 1994, Marie-Claire Reigner fut touchée par le Shivaïsme du Cachemire tel que transmis par Éric Baret, élève de Jean Kleib depuis les années 70. Plus connu comme maître védantique, ce dernier reçut néanmoins la transmission de l’approche cachemirienne de Dibianandapuri, ascète résidant à Puri. ​ De retour en occident la démarche inclusive du tantrisme cachemirien lui parut la plus pédagogique à transmettre, particulièrement à travers ce qu’il nommait modestement « l’approche corporelle ». Au début des années 2000, Éric Baret demanda à Marie Claire Reigner d’enseigner et de l‘assister lors de ses stages. s. Si vous êtes une entreprise, vous pouvez partager votre parcours professionnel et votre histoire. Expliquez vos valeurs, votre engagement envers les clients et ce qui vous rend unique. Ajoutez une photo, une galerie ou une vidéo pour susciter l'intérêt de vos visiteurs.

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  Extract from the book “Corps de silence” by Éric Baret, Editions Almora.
“We are constantly superimposing a cerebral schema on the notion of the body. This pattern is a reaction created gradually from our childhood. These groups of tensions have generated what we feel as bodies. This atrophied and defensive feeling is supported by the image, by the idea, of being a person and its procession of affirmations. In the sensory world, the various defenses encountered during bodily exploration correspond to the limiting powers of kañchuka, mâyâ obscuration. Initially, the practice aims to make aware of the extent of bodily reactivity. We observe how much resistance, tension and aggressiveness, born of the habit of taking oneself for the actor, have set in. This awareness, observation without expectation, initiates deconditioning. »
  Jean Klein was born on October 19, 1912 in Berlin and died on February 22, 1998 in Santa Barbara. A musicologist with a medical background, Jean Klein sensed the call of the unconditioned from a very young age. After the Second World War he was invited to India for violin concerts. Through exploring the art, he met a Sanskrit master who was to become his guru. Through the study of the Mandukya Upanishad, he realized with his Vedantin master the essence of the tradition. The practice of yoga as an aid to inner questioning was present in this teaching. A few years later he met a Kashmiri yogi who introduced him to the subtlety of his approach. Back in the West, the Kashmiri approach seemed to him the most educational. Thus began his teaching of this approach as a tool for exploring our internal mechanisms in Europe and North America.
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